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Subglacial Hydrology
SVALI summer school on subglacial hydrology, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of iceland 26-30 August 2013
During the last August week a SVALI course on “Subglacial Hydrology, Theory, Observations and Models/Applications” was held at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík. 28 students participated in the course, both phd students from Universities in Europe and North America as well as post doctoral researchers that were interested in the topic. The lectures: Helgi Björnsson (University of Iceland), Ian Hewitt (University of Oxford), Matt Hoffman (Los Alamos National Lab), Tómas Jóhannesson (Icelandic Met Office), Eyjólfur Magnússon (University of Iceland), Doug Mair (University of Aberdeen), Sveinn Óli Pálmarsson (Vatnaskil), Thomas Schuler (University of Oslo) and Sven Þ. Sigurðsson (University of Iceland) gave a comprehensive and thorough insight in the topic. The course was organised as both lectures and exercises and a few case studies were presented. The final version of the programme can be found here: https://notendur.hi.is/~gua/SVALI/SVALI_Hydrology_programme_final.pdf
. Observations from Iceland, the Alps and the Greenland Ice Sheet were presented and discussed, as well as borehole measurements, dye tracer studies and Lidar measurements. Furthermore, subglacial modelling and numerical aspects of finite element modelling and large scale coupled ice dynamics and hydrology model were the subject of several lectures and practical exercises. The last day was dedicated to jökulhlaups. The course ended with a two day excursion along the south coast of Iceland where sites of spectacular jökulhlaups were visited and remnants of subglacial hydrology systems could be observed. The group went to Eyjafjallajökull, Sólheimajökull, Skeiðarárjökull outwash planes and Jökulsárlón where the participants sailed on the proglacial lagoon and tasted the calved off ice.
Picture 1: Paricipants in the SVALI course on subglacial hydrology in front of Oddi, the building with freshly painted windows.
Picture 2: Concentration during the afternoon exercises was high and students worked hard towards solutions of problems.
Picture 3: The group on the snout of Sólheimajökull, where it was confirmed that the summer ablation amounted to at least 7 m ice.