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Pierre-Marie Lefeuvre

SVALI PhD student: 1/11/2011-31/10/2014

Subject: Subglacial processes and subglacial hydrology

Theme 2: Understanding the physical processes
Work package 2.1: Glacial and subglacial hydrology

2.1a     The effect of melt water input on variations in  subglacial water pressure.
2.1b     The role of the basal hydraulic system in diurnal and seasonal variations in subglacial hydrology.
2.1d     Investigate the role of higher order stresses on the subglacial hydraulic system.
2.1e     Develop sliding parametrisations for a dynamic ice-flow model

Host institutes:                      Norwegian Water resources and Energy Administration (NVE) and University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences.
Degree granting institute:       University of Oslo
Collaborating institute(s):       University of Copenhagen,  CSC, IMO
Advisor/responsible scientist: Miriam Jackson (NVE)    
Supervising committee:          Gaute Lappegard, Statkraft (UiO),
                                             Jon Ove Hagen (UiO)    

The PhD particularly focuses on Engabreen, an outlet glacier from the Svartisen Ice Cap, Northern Norway, where the Svartisen subglacial laboratory is located. A major aim of the thesis is to study stress bridging around subglacial channels and its impact on the evolution of the drainage system at the glacier bed. To capture the changes in the hydrological system and its relationship with ice dynamics, modelling of melt and runoff as well as measurements of basal sliding will be undertaken. This work will provide substantial material for interpreting several years of local basal pressure records. With colleagues from the CSC - the IT Center for Science Ltd, a simple theoretical model will be developed to study the effect of stress bridging on the effective pressure and results will be matched with observations. In parallel, a strong partnership with other SVALI researchers from Theme 2.1 (CIC, Centre for Ice and Climate and IMO, Icelandic Met. Office) will offer the possibility to correlate subglacial conditions to surface velocity measurements at Engabreen. To sum up, this project will try to increase our knowledge of the subglacial environment and its relationship to glacier dynamics.

Short CV

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