Marianne Sloth Madsen
SVALI post doc
Subject: Cryospheric processes in Earth System Models
Theme 3: Understanding present changes and predicting future changes.
WP3.2: Advance ESMs with new and improved physical processes.
WP3.3: Estimate future changes in terrestrial ice, including an analysis of uncertainties.
I am working on improving the description of ice sheets in the EC-Earth global climate model. The new surface parameterization will include snow and ice surface processes as well as changes in the snow/ice albedo in response to melting/refreezing conditions and enables the calculation of surface mass balance. To directly include dynamically based processes like calving rates and topography changes, EC-Earth is being coupled to the PISM ice sheet model. The impacts of the improved ice sheet representation will be assessed and the model system will be used to investigate the impacts of changing ice sheets on the Earth system under present-day as well as warmer conditions. Furthermore, the EC-Earth-PISM simulations will be downscaled with the HIRHAM regional climate model to assess the improvement obtained by the higher-resolution model.
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