Katrin Lindbäck
Associated SVALI PhD student
Katrin Lindbäck was employed in a PhD position in September 2010, in glaciology at University of Uppsala. The main goal of the project is collecting, processing and analyzing ice penetrating radar data in an interdisciplinary project in West Greenland.
The PhD project will contribute to answering the following questions:
- How does the regional scale connections between subglacial hydrology, ice flow and melt-water production look like?
- What are the controls on surface to bed melt water routing?
- How does the basal hydrological system respond to variable inputs of melt water?
Ground-penetrating radar measurements will be collected to determine the subglacial topography and subglacial thermal conditions in detail. In the project there are also continuous measurements of ice movement with GPS-stations, passive seismic at the openings of englacial drainage paths and there are a number of weather stations on the ice for the modeling of melt-water production.
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