Eyjólfur Magnússon
SVALI post doc: From July 2011
Subject: Remote sensing of glaciers
Theme 1: Observing the present - baseline and changes
Task 1.1c: Remote sensing of ice surface elevation changes
Task 1.2a: Assessment and comparison of methods for ice velocity measurements
Host institute: Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
The main focus will be to derive information of ice surface elevation changes (Task 1.1c) and the flow of the ice masses (Task1.2a). There will be collaboration and common interpretation of data with other researchers working on Task 1 (IMO, DTU-Space, UiO) and data provided to collegues working on understanding processes (Theme 2, in particular calving work at UNIS) and predicting future evolution (Theme 3).
The objective is to apply remote sensing to define the present geometrical and dynamical reference state of glaciers and to observe ongoing changes in ice surface elevation and flow in order to deduce changes in glacier geometry, ice volume and mass balance in response to current climate change.
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tl: +354 5255864