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Désirée Treichler
Associated SVALI PhD studentDésirée Treichler started her PhD at the University of Oslo in January 2013. The final goal of her PhD is to estimate river runoff contribution from glacier mass loss using space-borne remote sensing techniques. Her work contributes to the SVALI WP 1.1: Ice-volume/mass changes within Theme 1: Observing the present - baseline and change.In a changing climate, the melt water from glacier retreat and thinning provides an unsustainable contribution to total river discharge. Both magnitude and timely aspects of meltwater-driven discharge variations are still not well understood. Hydrological models suffer from insufficient data on glacier surface mass balance; measurements exist only for few glaciers in well-accessible areas. Using remotely sensed data, namely ICESat laser altitude measurements and digital elevation models from different dates, regional glacier mass balance trends can be estimated. These methods are further developed within the PhD and applied to remote mountain regions where mass balance measurements are sparse. In the second part of the project, the potential of remote-sensing-derived regional mass balance for hydrological model calibration will be evaluated. The contribution of glacier imbalances to total runoff shall be estimated to find the unsustainable part of streamflow, and its changing magnitude as glaciers retreat. This will give insight in the prospective evolution of glacier mass-balance and associated river discharge in the future.
Short CV:
2009-2012: Research associate, teaching assistant and GIS expert at the National Point of Contact for Satellite Images, University of Zürich, Switzerland; at the National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Switzerland; and at the Surveying and Spatial Sciences group, University of Tasmania, Australia
2007-2009: Master in Geography with specialisation in remote sensing, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Thesis title: Spectral discrimination of snow and avalanche deposits.
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