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Bergur Einarsson

SVALI PhD student: 15.4.2011-14.4.2014

Subject: Glacier hydrology

Theme 2: Understanding the physical processes
Work package 2.1: Glacial and subglacial hydrology


Task 2.1b: The role of the basal hydraulic system in diurnal and seasonal glacial runoff variations
Task 2.1a: The effect of melt water input on variations  in subglacial water pressure
Task 2.1e: Develop sliding parametrisations for a dynamic ice-flow model
Task 3.2b: Implement a subglacial model in an ISM that is  coupled to an ESM

Host institute:                        Icelandic Meteorological Office.
Degree granting institute:       University of Iceland        
Collaborating institutes:          NVE, CIC, DMI    
Advisor/responsible scientist: Tómas Jóhannesson    
Supervising committee:          Tómas Jóhannesson, Icelandic Meteorological Office.
                                             Helgi Björnsson, University of Iceland.
                                             Gwenn E. Flowers, Simon Fraser University in Canada.

The main focus will be on analysing discharge time-series from selected hydrological stations close to glacier margins showing clear diurnal and seasonal variations related to variations in the subglacial discharge component and carry out modelling to shed light on the development of the subglacial hydraulic system. Observations of ice-velocity variations will be analysed in terms of subglacial water pressure variations obtained from the analysis. The goal of the study is to interpret these results in terms of a model for calculating variations in basal sliding from meltwater input to the basal hydrauling system. A GPS-station will be operated on the N-Hofsjökull ice cap in central Iceland as part of the study which will involve several field trips to the norther flanks of Hofsjökull. 

Short CV

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tl: +354 5226051

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