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Andreas Bech Mikkelsen
After completing his PhD as an Associated SVALI PhD student at the University of Copenhagen, Andreas was hired in January 2014 at COWI, Denmark
as a specialist in hydrology, hydrolgeology, geoinformatics (GIS), sediment transport and the environment in general.
For his PhD-project he was involved in the Greenland Analog Project (GAP).
He investigated the runoff and sediment transport in the Kangerlussuaq Fjord, West Greenland. The main dataset was from the large proglacial Watson River located in Kangerlussuaq, but field campaigns were also carried out in two other large rivers that mainly drain the Greenland Ice Sheet. As a part of the PhD-project he worked with modeling the discharge into the Fjord, were a surface energy balance model was used to produce the meltwater and the model code MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 was used to route the water.
The sediment transport is still monitored continuously in the Watson River.