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Impact of snow albedo parameterization when modelling Svalbard glaciers
Glacier snow sub-surface properties on Svalbard in the atmospheric model WRF
Interim report of dynamic changes of land ice in the Arctic and North-Atlantic region
Report from the Nordic centre of excellence SVALI, December 2014.
Comparison of the WRF and HIRHAM models over Svalbard
Available discharge time-series from glacier-covered catchments in Iceland
Overview of available data from the Svartisen subglacial laboratory and surrounding weather/discharge stations
Water retention parameterization in the WRF model - A sensitivity test
Relation between meso-scale climate and glacier/snow mass balance on Svalbard
Review of internal accumulation rates on glaciers of Svalbard
Internal accumulation on glaciers: qualitative description and quantitative estimates
Interim report of current rates of changes of land ice in the Arctic and North-Atlantic region
Report from the Nordic centre of excellence SVALI, October 2012.
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Last modified : Jan. 15, 2015