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WP 1.2: Changes in ice-dynamics

Workpackage leader: Andreas Kääb, UiO

SVALI PhD students: Alexandra Messerli, Eyjólfur Magnússon


  • Observe ice velocities and ice-velocity variations with in-situ measurements and remote sensing to assess the effect of changes in melt water input and calving rates on icedynamics, such as speed-up of ice-streams and other areas of fast-flowing ice.

Glacier dynamics are fundamental to understand glacier mass changes and response to environmental influences. Through calving, for instance, they are themselves a key element of the glacier mass balance. Temporal variations and instabilities of glacier flow can be an important indicator or driver of glacier mass changes and other factors. Specifically, systematic observations of glacier velocities at spatially and temporally representative scales will within SVALI help to better understand long-term (multi-annual) velocity changes and short-term (seasonal) variability, calving rates, glacier-dynamical response to melt-water input, and glacier surges.

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