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Sergey Marchenko

SVALI PhD student: September 2011 – September 2015

Subject: Improved parametrization of water retention and refreezing in Arctic glaciers

Theme 2: Understanding the physical processes
Work package 2.3: Integration of atmospheric, cryospheric and hydrological processes at glacier surfaces


2.3a  Water retention and firn hydraulics
2.3b  Ice sheet surface albedo
2.3c  Energy exchange processes, snow precipitation and redistribution on ice fields

Host institute:                          Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences
Degree granting institute:          Uppsala University
Collaborating institute(s):         University Centre in Svalbard, Norway; Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Advisor/responsible scientist:   Veijo Pohjola
Supervising committee:            Rickard Pettersson, Uppsala University
                                               Carleen Tijm-Reimer,  Utrecht University
                                               Carl-Egede Boggild, Arctic Techology Center, DTU

The work is aimed at the processes of water retention and refreezing in glaciers in different climatic and glaciological conditions, and improving numerical schemes for mass balance and climate models. Analysis of the existing field data (temperature, density measurements, data from ice cores), results of controlled experiments in the lab and field work should provide a dataset for quantitative estimation of the processes under different conditions and become the basis for further generalizations.

Short CV

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tl: +46 733853168


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